Theft and Embezzlement
A vast number of companies are hit by internal and external theft. Besides classic external theft such as shop-lifting or burglary, there is an increasing number of internal theft or unexplained losses of stock. Those internal thefts often reach a serious dimension and are in a lot of cases well organised.
The crimes hit all sectors. According to estimates by auditors the damage through theft by employees alone reaches billions. Particularly affected by those crimes is the trade business where, according to a report of the EHI institute, the inventory discrepancies in Germany add up to about five billion Euros per year.
In order to expose the criminal schemes of employees, the infiltration of suspected groups by undercover agents is often the only reasonable measure. The aim is in particular to identify internal structures and to trace the disappearance of goods.
Surveillance, infiltration by undercover agents and the use of technology have enabled us to solve a number of such crimes in the past.
We’re looking forward to a first conversation with you!
Our services in economic investigation
- Address and residence determination
- Detecting interception technology
- Theft and embezzlement
- Sick-Note fraud
- Trademark and product piracy
- Employee and field service verification
- Insurance fraud
- Infringement of competition