In a lot of cases the use of technology is more efficient and effective than other methods of investigations and inquiries. For instance, video- and photo-technology can save deploying personnel significantly.
Professional tools in IT-forensics help our experts to find digital traces. The use of chemicals and other substances for searching for traces and securing evidence is one of our standards.
We’re looking forward to a first conversation with you!
Our services in economic investigation
- Address and residence determination
- Detecting interception technology
- Theft and embezzlement
- Sick-Note fraud
- Trademark and product piracy
- Employee and field service verification
- Insurance fraud
- Infringement of competition
Our services in private investigation
- Address Inquiries
- Detecting listening devices
- Theft and sabotage
- Personal monitoring
- Divorce and maintenance matters
- Debtor determination
- Custody investigations and child abduction
- Infidelity in marriage and partnership