Infringement of Competition Law
In times of increasingly fiercer competition on the market and strong economic pressure a growing number of employees take protected Know-How of their employer and business-contacts with them when they sign on with a competitor. This can lead to significant drawbacks and a severe weakening of the competitiveness of a company.
Former employees founding a competing company pose an enormous thread because they often have the better and more direct contact to the customers. Whether a former employee behaves in an anticompetitive way or disobeys contractual obligations can be established in most cases through surveillance and targeted investigations as well as through undercover agents.
In the course of the last 30 years, detectives of Detektei Bayerl have successfully investigated a large number of violations of competitive law and contractual obligations.
The results of our investigations and the evidence which can be used in court are often the basis for further legal proceedings by which lawyers successfully claim damages, remedy claims and injunctive reliefs as well as the rights to levy profits for the benefits of our customers.
We’re looking forward to a first conversation with you!
Our services in economic investigation
- Address and residence determination
- Detecting interception technology
- Theft and embezzlement
- Sick-Note fraud
- Trademark and product piracy
- Employee and field service verification
- Insurance fraud
- Infringement of competition