Detecting interception technology
In a time of modern technology and the Internet, it is not a problem to get to listening technology or so-called “bugs” as well as other means of listening. Detecting requires great experience and, above all, extensive technical equipment.
With the increasing globalization of the economy and technological advances, there is a constant risk that your conversations, meetings, phone calls, or your company’s e-mail traffic may be monitored.
In addition to state intelligence agencies, there are often domestic and foreign competitors, commercial surveillance service providers, or foreign countries trying to gain access to your confidential information and company know-how.
But even in the private sector eavesdropping attacks by spouses, (ex) friends or neighbors continue to increase.
Our technicians specialize in searching and, if suspected, carry out room checks in your office and conference rooms. If this type of interception technique is used, the objects are saved and examined for traces.
Further steps to secure the office space are then discussed with the specialist for interception technology.